Dec 6, 2023
Podcast 146 is about how to gradually uncover the beauty still in your world, during grief recovery. This covers points on:
Nov 23, 2023
Podcast 145 acknowledges the beauty of celebrating the festive seasons of - Thanksgiving,Christmas and the New Year.
However it creates an awareness of how certain individuals or group of people can get quite anxious during this season.
One set of individuals are 'Surviving Widows' especially when the Grief and Loss of...
Nov 9, 2023
Podcast 144 is an Interview with DiEsha Carter on how she works with Widows to live a triumphant life despite loss.
She is a Christian Widow's Coach,Podcast Host of the Widow I go from Here! She is the Host of Brunch for the Brokenhearted 2023| Host of the 2022 Widow's Retreat.
Connect with her @
Oct 12, 2023
Podcast 143 touches on the fundamentals of safeguarding a healthy Mind.
Though a Podcast for Widows - This is directed at that individual getting on with the ups and downs of life.
Sep 28, 2023
Podcast 142 explores personal feelings when children leave 'Home' for the first time.This Podcast asks how you might have felt when this was experienced.