May 26, 2021
I am teaching on this Podcast - 3 things men look for when dating a woman. I refer to timeless principles.
The emphasis is on preferences and choices. It looks at
1. The External
2.Internal beauty? Versus well being.
3.Presentation and much more.
For our New 8 week Coaching course - content covers what I have done to...
May 19, 2021
Download your free Enote 5 Successful steps Widows are taking on walking through Widowhood.
This Podcast is Coaching on factors that ensure greater success when you choose the right person with specific positive indicators. The 3 important credentials that you look out for when seeking a date. The content is given from...
May 12, 2021
This is part of a series of Episodes Coaching on Successfully executing the act of how to step out to start finding that special person for you.
1.We address what practical things you should know before you act.
2.What to guard against when acting.
3.Factors that give you a greater potential for success.
And much...
May 5, 2021
Call for a chat on 07833 873895
This Podcast addresses how to survive the possible knocks and upheavals that might result from initially setting out to date.
2.Gains and Losses
3.Self awareness and More.
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