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Widow Recovery Secrets/ BMC/PODCASTS

Aug 25, 2021

This Coaches on the positive impact on your thoughts when you focus on the good things in your life. The Act of always being appreciative - demonstrating it in the act of taking note, verbalizing and shifting away from negatives.

1. Savour

2.Really paying attention

3.Absorbing  and much more.

Recognizing Good!

Aug 25, 2021

This Coaches on the positive impact on your thoughts when you focus on the good things in your life. The Act of always being appreciative - demonstrating it in the act of taking note, verbalizing and shifting away from negatives.

1. Savour

2.Really paying attention

3.Absorbing  and much more.

Aug 18, 2021

Podcast 40 coaches on when you meet a special person you love and can commit to but the timing is out of sync. If the relationship is taken out of the present and is placed in another time  chances are it will work. What does this kind of relationship look like? What to do when you find yourself in such a position? The...

Aug 11, 2021

Podcast 39 coaches on the importance of Rest - making a clear distinction of it not being idleness, but crucial for good health and a better life. It looks at the physical and spiritual benefits.

1. The positives to the Brain

2.Innovation and creativity

3.Strengthening the pathways to the brain and much more

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