Aug 25, 2022
Podcast 92 gives you foundational exercises on how to use your Faith to engineer your Grief Recovery. This enables you to move from Recovery to Transformation.
The sailent Points are:
1. A short summary on how to understand Faith.
2.What Faith can do for your Mind.
3.The impact of feeding your mind.
4.The impact of...
Aug 18, 2022
Podcast 91 addresses how noble it is to extend the hand of peace to another! With varying reasons for estrangement.
1. This looks at why it is beneficial to you.
2.What empowers you to bodly do so.
3.A unique love expression.
4. 5 benefits to reaching out to make peace.
And much more!
For our monthly widow support...
Aug 11, 2022
Podcast 90 explores the topic of emotional intelligience - focusing on one of the four elements,self awareness.
Some of the points addressed are:
1. What does emotional intelligience mean and how does this apply to you and grief.
2.What taking offence means and how come we become so quick to react?
3.How to have...
Aug 4, 2022
Podcast 89 explores the possible effects of ageism when matured women 40 plus return to the dating scene.
1. What attracts men of similar age.
2. Why younger men might be attracted to the more experienced woman.
3. Questions around traditional perceptions of 50 plus women objectives to dating.
And much more