May 26, 2022
Podcast 80 explores humbling events in our lives that naturally make you shift the perception of your current circumstances.
Why we benefit from being humbled.
How connecting to people with our stories,can be life changing.
Understanding the decision to choose to be Happy.
Appreciating how unique and individual you are...
May 19, 2022
Podcast 79 explores why you might be unsettled where you find yourself. This can be in business,career,relationships, or where you live etc.
Three indicators are given of when you are possibly in the right place.
Plus three of when you might not be.
And much more!
For free tickets to our Widow Support Group in June...
May 12, 2022
Epidosde 78 is an interview with Kimberly Koland a Thriving Widow,a Teacher and a Grief Advocate on Mental Health /Suicide awareness and prevention. 1. She shares her journey of loss,invaluable tools that have enhanced recovery.
2. How to get help and support when faced with someone with suicide ideation.
3. Plus her...
May 5, 2022
Podcast 77 looks at the impact of strengthening your spirit to acquire more from your physical struggles.
1.How do you transcend your physical self to a stronger spiritual growth.
2.Why you struggle with life so much and not gain the tangible results you apsire to.
3.What empowers your spirit for greater...