Jan 27, 2022
Podcast 63 touches on how so many widows are deprived and displaced when a husband dies. 1.What this could look like.
2.What Protection Governments need to protect against this.
3.What the Widow can do to safeguard this atrocity happening to them.
And much more!
Jan 20, 2022
This Podcast explores why many people never reach the greatest height of potential. Even when you know you have plateaued. You do not take the steps that will take you to the next vision or dream you have for your life.
Do you hold on to the present?
Is it safe to be in what you have always known?
What and how would you...
Jan 13, 2022
Podcast 61 aims to elaborate on the need for help when we plateau in areas of personal growth and development. The positive influence of someone coming to help when you are stuck and now in Recovery.
We look at 3 fundamentals
1. Why you require a Coach and the phenomenon of coaching.
2.How to know if a Coach is your ...
Jan 6, 2022
This Podcast is for Widows navigating their Grief.
Podcast 60 talks about how patience is required in recovery. The shock of the loss of a Spouse requires patience to find your way to the other side. A 7min listen