Aug 31, 2023
Podcast 140 talks about how to horn your self believe, after grief wears you out as a person.
It looks at the following:
Aug 24, 2023
Podcast 139 is invitng you to join us on Clubhouse to share your grief stories and gain encouragement from each other.
This Podcast gives you 9 reasons of why it is healthy for you to talk openly about your grief.
These are - to mention a few:
Aug 17, 2023
Podcast 138 touches on:
1.What the holidays may look when raising your family?
2.The empty nest and discovering a new perception on you being single.
3.Solo travelling and the different choices.
4.How to have a stress free holiday.
5.New found freedom and courage
And much more.
Book now on our next bimonthly workshop.
Aug 10, 2023
Podcast 137 aims to explore why it is important to share your story, when you are confident to do so.I share briefly my Story and how it has repositioned my service in business/community.
This explains how impactful it is to give people at least a snippet of-