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Widow Recovery Secrets/ BMC/PODCASTS

Apr 28, 2022

Podcast 76 looks at the impact of what you speak to self, on your thoughts,vision and actions.

1.Why is it  important to make  life producing confessions?

2.What are the confessions and the impact?

3.How to start incorporating positive confessions into your lifestyle.

And much more!

Join our widow recovery support group...

Apr 21, 2022

Podcast 75 touches on the financial impact on price rises in most countries currently.Especially the impact it will have on Soloparent households.

This Podcast aims to explore: 

1.What to do when personal   budgets do not balance.

2.Decisions on essential bills and prioritisation.

3.Contacting creditors when payments do...

Apr 14, 2022

Podcast 74 teaches on the timeless truth of complete sacrifice! 1.This is explained in the context of how much you ready to give, to obtain a greater price. 2.The amount you are willing to sacrifice will determine the results gained.

3.With the season of Easter upon us true Sacrifice is emulated in the scriptural event...

Apr 7, 2022

Podcast 73 is about how to action what you learn, to obtain the changes you want. How to yet apply learning into practical outcomes.

1.What action looks like!

2.The consequence of inaction. 

3.What 'hearing' and 'free will' really means!

And much more!